Lyssa L​aine's has your business needs​ in our hands.
Lyssa L​aine's has your business needs​ in our hands.
Check out our events and get ready to take your business to a new level. We help leaders and their teams make innovation happen. We design coaching approaches and organizational interventions ​that achieve maximum benefit and success.
Sign-Up Today!
Sign-Up Today!
Happenings you shouldn't miss in the weeks ahead.

Level Up
Power Session
Level Up
Power Session
Time: 20 or 45 minutes
Start to build your individual or business blueprint today!
The 1-on-1 power session provides you with your business vision to plan a roadmap to support effective strategies for growth and development. You will receive high quality technical assistance to help you excel to the next level. The 45 minute session will include an assessment as well as an additional 60 minutes to build your business blueprint.
Please register for your session.
Power Session
20 min.
Now!! $249
+ 60 min
Now!! $1,149

Group Coaching
Level Up
Group Power Sessions
Level Up
Group Power Sessions
Time: 60 minutes
Two 60 minute power group sessions provide interactive and engaging building opportunities for peer interaction and problem-solving. You will learn and understand how to develop shared goals and write action plans. power group sessions.
Please register for your session.
Group Coaching Sessions
60 min. sessions

- We are taking virtual learning to the next level!